AGE111.ZIP 42242 02-21-96 Age v1.11. Creates a graph displaying the ages of the users of your BBS. Also displays the average user age. AVG101.ZIP 10888 01-03-96 AVGUser v1.01. Creates a chart displaying the stats of an average user on your BBS. BEST110.ZIP 36896 01-17-96 Besttime v1.10. Creates 3 eye-catching graphs to indicate BBS usage (Heat map, and 2 percentage usage graphs). DOOR121.ZIP 39096 01-03-96 DoorTime v1.21. The best EVER Door Usage program! Simple configuration and execution. Creates Time and Usage graphs. RGSL0296.ZIP 6327 02-29-96 Official Renegade Support BBS Listing of all `official' Renegade support BBSs. TPOST50.ZIP 10580 01-14-96 T-Post v5.0. Top Poster utility includes options for including top callers/ posters/ PCR/ chose number on lists, chose to include sysop in lists, etc.